Citizens Prerogative Podcast Closed Caption Transcript S3 E56 As the Court Turns Precedence Be Damned 09:41:28 Welcome to the citizens prerogative. podcast This is the voice of your nerdy host, Michael Piscatelli, and we are inspired by a co-host whose passion for our Republic proceeds him everywhere. 09:41:39 He goes. Raymond Wong jr I'm feeling extremely judgmental today. 09:41:45 Thank you. Yes, this is episode. Number 56. We are still in season 3, and the title of this episode should be, as the court turns precedence, be damned. 09:42:02 So as Ray alluded to as he usually does so good to be back on the air. 09:42:08 That's not what he alluded to but it is good to be back on the air, and what he alluded to is the top of this episode. 09:42:15 All about the Supreme Court of the United States, and some of its latest. 09:42:22 What we would deem and i'm going to speak for both of us, because we were talking a little bit before this episode is a little bit of a wrong turn, or if we apply a stoic lens maybe it's a right 09:42:34 turn because it's gonna excite the those of us that really care about this. 09:42:42 I'll I think i'll jump in and say that what's really exciting to me about this is that this has been on the docket for some for a while, even before break of the summer. break. 09:42:52 We were looking at this. we are looking at it. as a story and it's almost haunting to re look at it, because, as you look at it today, we it's almost like were we soothsayers where we where we did we 09:43:04 have the third eye. what's going on yeah I I would say that was pretty funny because I was looking at this one. 09:43:11 I said, This episode's been sitting here since. we have a date on here June fifth, and I kept looking at it, and i'm like actually this is good to go it's Still, things unfortunately unfortunately sometimes Ray and I can 09:43:24 see a little too ahead, where things are going but it's not a special power. 09:43:29 It's a power Everybody has an opportunity to possess and we'll tell you more about it, and another episode sometime. 09:43:38 In the meantime we're gonna talk about the supreme Court of the United States, and you know it's interesting. 09:43:46 I'm going to start with well start with the lifetime appointment aspect to this, because it's really fascinating. 09:43:53 I mean. this is one of the characteristics of the Republic that goes back to the Constitution, and hasn't been adjusted since the beginning. it's, you know, one of the older pieces of conditions to be applied to the 09:44:08 3 killers of our balanced system. So this idea of a lifetime important appointment was just to maybe add a little stability, you know. 09:44:20 Put a little. I forget what that the term is for sailboats. 09:44:25 But sailboats have this really long fin that sticks really deep into the water, and it's designed to let them tip that as an extreme angle, and I think the lifetime appointment right? 09:44:35 It creates enough drag so that the ship doesn't fall over at counterbalances the tug of the sale. 09:44:41 Somebody hopefully, is listening to the episode will opine on what that's called cause. 09:44:45 I can't remember, but in any case the supreme court's essentially that part of our system I mean they're the only lifetime appointment they create a huge drag on change and that was the intent kind of an 09:44:58 anchor if you will. but As time is going on, things have accelerated and times change, and this is one of the areas that has not changed with the times. 09:45:13 If we look back to history really quick. I I just wanna point out that. 09:45:17 Remember that this court was formed out of the same organization situation that gave us. 09:45:23 You know the what the the 3 over 4 compromise we it's the same situation that said we're gonna have slavery and freedom in the country, right? 09:45:33 Like those things have somewhat reconciled and I think it's important to note you've got to remember that if we came from the era where women didn't have rights women didn't vote they didn't own property all 09:45:42 of these things have changed around the court, but the court has stayed the same excellent point. 09:45:51 Yeah, it reminded me of the electoral college too, that's the other piece. 09:45:56 These guys rushed to get done at the end, anyway. 09:46:02 So where we end up today is something. the Supreme Court is like more comparable to the supreme leader. 09:46:10 The Ayatollah position in the iranian Republic. 09:46:15 I don't know if most Americans are aware but Iran has a republic, so does Russia. 09:46:20 We will talk about you know I'm sure we've talked about the flavors of Republic before but in any case, Iran is a Republic, and they do elect a President. 09:46:30 They probably elect their legislative leaders as well. However, at the top of that entire thing kind of like, England has a king and a queen, or maybe one at a time. 09:46:40 They have an Ayatollah which is a supreme leader as a religious leader. 09:46:44 He's the leader of their muslim sect in Iran. 09:46:49 And basically what he says goes right. He he kind of gets a lot of sway, and he has a lifetime appointment. 09:47:00 So here we are. The United States is a Republic versus Iran as a republic. 09:47:04 They have a supreme leader who's religious and now we have according of supreme leaders that seem to be supremely religious, more so in their decision making than in the past. 09:47:16 So the parallels are really striking when you don't change things right where where you end up 09:47:28 So with that note. let's go ahead. and slide into our next topic here, and we're going to talk a little bit about the case for illegitimacy. 09:47:37 So I think you can tell based on the comparison we opened up with. We're gonna be talking a little bit about the problems, and of course we'll go into the calls of actions that we have for solutions around the supreme 09:47:49 court. But let's take a minute and harp on our case for illegitimacy. 09:47:55 Why the Supreme Court of today is not legitimate in the sense of us having ever a public, a representative republic. 09:48:08 The Supreme Court today is not in any way representative of the United States at large. 09:48:16 As a body politic collection of humans. it represents an account minority. 09:48:22 How did we get here? So the case for illegit and see calls out the fact that we had 2 seats. 09:48:30 We, we, the people of the United States, had 2 seats on that Supreme Court stolen by a political party upon political party establishment. 09:48:43 Okay, normally. up until recent time you had a very orderly transition of power on the Supreme Court. 09:48:51 Unfortunately there were a lot of people in the country who didn't like the fact that we had a black President, and they did everything that they could to keep any stamp of his from leaving a mark on the government one of those things was to not 09:49:04 appoint any of his court appointments to not actually confirm any of his barack Obama's quarter appointments. 09:49:13 So by the time Obama left office there was 60 or a 100 something vacancies at the Appellate Court level. 09:49:23 And then, obviously Merrick Garland was nominated to be put on the Supreme Court and 09:49:33 Unfortunately, one of the parties decided they would change the rules. 09:49:38 They were just going to behave differently, because it was advantageous to them. 09:49:41 It was deleterious it it was you know, a cost to the system. 09:49:48 They were willing to make a cost to us as a people they were willing to make for their short-term political gains. 09:49:54 So they withheld an appointment, and they kept that seat for themselves, and then, later on 09:50:01 They would go ahead and push through an additional appointment. 09:50:06 Okay, and just so we can make it extremely clear. here. The mechanism they use to block the appointment is the same mechanism. 09:50:13 They leverage for slavery, and you know it was it was it was the filibuster which continues to be an overlay, not a constitutional mechanism, not something that should really exist, that mechanism help enable a 09:50:28 split house to block barack obama's presidency. consistently, and we have to ask each other each other as citizens, if the will of the people is to put barack in that authority. 09:50:41 Why should the legislative branch have enough power to affect another check or balance it? 09:50:48 Just doesn't make any sense to me it doesn't it's a process. 09:50:52 It's like january sixth when we hand the government over It's more of a it's more of a ceremony. It's more of a you know confirmation now I will point out one other thing is 09:51:03 that lifetime Appointments is across the Federal system it's a problem. 09:51:08 So it's not just the supreme court it's almost all Federal judges, which is an even bigger issue. 09:51:13 So we're not just dealing with the ayatollah. 09:51:15 We're dealing with ayatollah and the Ayatollah X. 09:51:20 That's fantastic. That's exactly right thank thank you Ray Oh, religion now is running a month. 09:51:31 So that second seat I mean the first seat, you know, obviously was stolen. 09:51:34 They put in their choice choice, choice selection, the second seat as well. 09:51:39 Now the real issue here is that there's 2 unprecedented, and things that happened. 09:51:43 One is the political party that had an opportunity to mess things up chose to do it in spite of us. Right? 09:51:51 Shoot your toe in spite of your foot they decided to do that. And then not only did they essentially steal one of those seats when they nominated, and they put these people on the court who they selected. 09:52:07 We're not good judges. these were not people that were resoundingly worthy through their accomplishments of being elevated to this bench. 09:52:19 No, no, no, In fact, they were selected for very specific reasons for specific purposes. 09:52:24 Again back only to politics. Damn! America has an idea, and all the people who live under the promise of freedom and liberty and justice. 09:52:36 But you know what our group only it's minority rule we love minority rule. 09:52:39 We're gonna put in these religious leaders in the Supreme Court, and that's what they did. 09:52:44 We have the most Catholic Supreme Court than we ever have had in history. 09:52:49 We we're supposed to have a separation we're supposed to have no State religion, no establishment of State religions right in the Constitution. 09:52:57 First first and foremost in the amendments excuse me and now we see core, which have to say it's. 09:53:07 I guess It's always been kind of religious but it was always like, not Catholics, and it Wasn't Jewish people, and it was it was Protestants. America up until whatever period of time was always very Protestant white Male 09:53:20 Protestant. That was the path that got us here right or wrong. You're not supposed to have a religious test what we always did for some period of time, just because those were the only people that were sharing power among each other this is a very 09:53:35 different day. We don't just have white Protestant male elected officials anymore, and we and we shouldn't have you know, one religious court shifting away from Protestantism, Protestants who cared about 09:53:49 Theoretically, the ones who created the Republic. they should have cared apparently more about the Republic is what we're seeing. 09:53:55 It would have been nice to see a bunch of Catholics get there and appreciate being treated equally. 09:54:00 But no, we get a bunch of Catholics there who want to treat everyone else like their Catholic. 09:54:08 In the country I mean there can't be more of an affront to the Constitution than that. 09:54:14 Oh, there is but that's just my opinion let me get through these next 2 boats. 09:54:19 Sorry Ray, and then we'll probably probably take a quick call to action, or excuse me, we'll do our our mid role, and then we'll come back Here's one of ray's favorites which is Why, I 09:54:28 was saying that Shadow docket is now operating an exceptionally high volume. Right? 09:54:33 So we have stolen seats we've got religion operating in those seats, and the shadow docket is not something we've spent enough time talking about, although Ray has been bringing it up with me for quite some time 09:54:47 now. he's always ahead of the curve but the shadow document is ramped up under this new regime. 09:54:52 This new religious court system there pushing more and more through. it which means we see last and less of their decisions. we see less and less of the reasoning behind why they're making decisions. 09:55:09 And that's fundamentally the purpose of a court to come to a conclusion and explain why to tie it back to the ball. the shadow docket allows them to make decisions to make decisions and for the court system to allow actions to be 09:55:24 taken without any daylight, without us understanding any of the reasoning behind it, or knowing what about the law? 09:55:34 Fundamentally, is the basis for the decision. Pretty scary. That sounds very Iatola to me. 09:55:41 Neither need to explain his decisions to anybody. And then, in addition to the shadow docket, this court now is just not well enough checked or balanced. 09:55:53 It just really isn't especially when you consider how many in the appellate courts and other Federal courts that have had lifetime appointments under the previous administration before Biden, where they were appointing religious 09:56:09 zealots left and right they filled barack obama's vacancies with the most religious, least intelligent, least lawful or law initiated individuals, and they're all relatively very young. 09:56:22 They're gonna be there for a long time and that is very scary. 09:56:30 You see some decisions now like that. I just wanna say like just turn to what's going on in the current political climate. 09:56:37 If you're watching or listening to this timely at all you know there is just recently been a ruling out of Florida, which is a clear example of this miscarriage of justice, and by the way, I've heard 09:56:47 that they did it. outside. they hunted for that, a friendly, a friendly judge, only 70 miles out of where the incident actually happened. 09:56:58 Oh, Jerry, Mandering was just the beginning, was the beginning of the takeover of the system. 09:57:04 By a political party which is no surprise. History teaches us this lesson on that note. 09:57:15 Time us to take a break and hear a word from our sponsor. 09:57:22 Here's a message from our sponsors citizen Do kid, as misinformation swirls in the cloud, and we hear the jeers of hate and drumbeats of lies grow louder in the distance. 09:57:34 We must fully recognize and commit ourselves to the fact that self rule requires unrelenting vigilance, unwavering persistence that puts principle and reason above greed and hate. 09:57:49 We place our faith in self rule as the means to fulfill the promise of freedom and justice for us all. 09:57:56 The time is now to deeply re-examine ourselves and our implementation of governance for the dawning of a new day. 09:58:01 We are a proud sponsor of the Citizens Prerogative, podcast. 09:58:05 A major partner in spreading the good word about civic love and the power of change for us All that citizen do good. 09:58:11 We want to empower all citizens to participate in their Republic, and a reconstructive way, or with that goal in mind. 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Page. 09:58:59 Thanks for your support, you know, at this point we're moving into the mystical part of our our our little show here, because this is where we get into some of the things that are kind of predictive, and we we won't 09:59:15 say it exactly or maybe we will how it's written but it's just interesting to me as I look into the second segment. 09:59:20 This is where we really get into where we were saying Oh, these are the risks. but now 09:59:27 It's happened. so I I mean we have clear and present examples. and this is the part where I get a little bit . 09:59:35 Like where we where we telling the future. All right, do you do? 09:59:39 Do, do, do, do, do, do do dude yeah yeah it does feel like the twilight zone when history literally is kind of repeating itself before our very eyes. 09:59:49 We really don't have the power of prediction. We we just have the power to to look past to see forward, and we would encourage all of you to do the same or political strategist. 10:00:01 You can call me what you want. It calls what you want. 10:00:04 But we are a political strategist, to say the least. I like that that we can market. Yeah. 10:00:10 So as we move into this next section, right it's funny because thinking about the fact that this has been written for quite some time, These were clear and present dangers, and unfortunately, they are coming to fruition, preventing the States from well 10:00:25 regulating their mission. Excuse me, their militia. 10:00:27 So this segment is about reasoning for a clear and present danger, and it's quite clear that the Supreme Court is getting in the way of the States well regulating their militias, and that is all in the second 10:00:44 amendment. We will have an episode coming up here soon. 10:00:47 All about the second amendment so we won't harp on that now. 10:00:51 But we thought that was gonna be a danger, and it is clearly present. 10:00:56 Danger, also establishing a State religion. Wow! why do I say that? 10:01:05 Well cause the evidence has come out thankfully. Not all of the decisions are going through the shadow docket. 10:01:12 So we were able to see that in the Northeast I don't remember if it was New Hampshire Vermont. 10:01:18 There was a State who brought a lawsuit, and they lost. 10:01:24 It was from the public Department of Public Education. I believe I have to look up the information long story short, what happened was is that State decided to issue vouchers for school choice. 10:01:36 Okay, So parents can decide to send their school, their children to a charter school, and they get vouchers based on their tax dollars. right? 10:01:43 Everybody pays money, taxes, property, taxes, that goes to schools and if you're if you don't have your child attend a public school, this State allows you to take a voucher theoretically of those tax dollars you pay 10:01:55 and give them to a different school, and send your child to this charter school. 10:02:01 Well with this second amendment, and no establishment of State religion. 10:02:06 We have never allowed our pooled collective tax dollars to go to religions. 10:02:16 But with this decision our tax dollars, our property tax dollars are gonna go to private parochial schools. 10:02:27 It'll be interesting to see over time, where this lands, because right now they allowed the State, or they allow individuals. 10:02:38 Now, according to the Supreme Court, they can take their publicly funded vouchers and give them to a Catholic school or a Christian private Christian school for their child's education. 10:02:51 That's a problem that's never happened before. this is a recent decision from this court, empty, and time will tell whether or not they will are equally open to allowing people to put their voucher dollars into Jewish schools or voucher 10:03:07 dollars into Muslim schools. or jainism schools or Hindu schools or Buddhism schools. 10:03:15 It'll be interesting to see if communities of Christians raise objections in their in their localities. 10:03:23 You know, around something like that happening and will the court side with them. we don't know but you would think if you're going to allow tax publicly funded schools for one religion you would publicly fund others, and this is scary because 10:03:37 now the government's in the business of funding religious schools 10:03:47 Okay. The other area here is removing or reserving rights to privacy. 10:03:54 This is a core component of liberty and what they're doing when I say reserving it's removing or reserving to. 10:04:03 So it's removing the rights to privacy for those of us who aren't wealthy enough to afford protections that give us that privacy. 10:04:13 So I said here that a wealthy minority gets to reserve their rights to privacy, especially if you're a Supreme Court justice. 10:04:20 The because now you have government backed protection right that didn't used to happen before, because the supreme court generally didn't step out of line. 10:04:31 It's so extreme as they have now that they're facing threats, and I don't think it's right, but I think it's almost a natural cause and effect in a way right you abuse your power on the 10:04:43 core. And so the people are gonna have a problem with that. 10:04:48 Nobody should live under threat, you know violence is never an answer. 10:04:53 But it's interesting you know to see how this is starting to play out, and and quite unfortunate. 10:05:00 But ultimately, at the end of the day, whatever causes action, maybe is worthwhile, Miss, Miss, it's unfortunate. but some people needed a lesson, and if we've seen anything from the from the right side of the political 10:05:16 parties they doubled down on the abortion. 10:05:19 But what we've seen is that that that latest ruling ro versus Wade. 10:05:25 What we've seen is that they're all backing up they are missing with the American people, and I I think it's it's good to see that because otherwise that means you and I were on the wrong side of history right right 10:05:37 Now, what we see is that the courts are inundated with probably extremely wealthy. 10:05:45 You know, high net wealth, individuals, or people of of privilege that don't really see what the true struggle is, and the fact that this row versus Wade situation went down was a clear example that the court had lost its way now 10:06:01 just to further explain how this makes it available for the wealthy ladies and gentlemen, is that the way the court has done this is that there's now a patchwork of abortion rights across the nation, and that affects only 10:06:14 the poor. only the people that can't afford to fly their child out of state to a place where they can receive that treatment. 10:06:24 So tell me it's not something that's limited to the wealthy. 10:06:29 If now the poorest towns in our country are now depressed and cannot receive, you know rights as a woman, You cannot receive these rights now, and you're stuck in a small town. 10:06:43 What do you do? Exactly. how do you affirm or how do you take your liberty, your freedom into your hands, and that's the thing that's disgusting, and the reason the leads and the powerful don't care is because 10:06:54 they can afford the plane ticket they can afford the hotel room. it's not hard to see where this is all stemming from, and why the rich would let this happen. 10:07:07 Why they continue to fund these frankly it's it's shooting themselves in the foot? 10:07:14 Because what the rich risk is that the Government moves even further to the right, and takes even more of their rights away. 10:07:20 But they believe that their wealth will protect them that's the fool's game that they're playing. 10:07:29 Yeah, there's always somebody more wealthy and there's always somebody more powerful. 10:07:37 You know we try to establish those checks and balances in our system, but it can get wonky. 10:07:42 We're experiencing. wonking us now, especially when power gets concentrated in political parties and the wealthy, and it's very unfortunate. 10:07:54 But yeah, this is a one time. I don't remember what episode. 10:08:00 It was but sometime in the past. we had mentioned you know it's your freedom depends on what state you live in, and it's only becoming even truer. 10:08:09 I mean I don't even remember at this point what right or you know, whatever was that, you know being questioned when I brought that up at that time. 10:08:18 But it continues to be true. it's like Well, what state are you gonna be free in this week, You know? 10:08:27 And how is it that I am an American citizen of the United States? 10:08:33 I am a citizen of the national country, no matter what state i'm in, but depending on where i'm physically located, I have more or less rights, more or less I should say freedom. that was always the perspective because I was probably 10:08:47 talking about marijuana, mushrooms, and everything else. 10:08:49 So it was like, Well, where can you be the most free? 10:08:51 Where can you have the most choice? And I I still equate that that choice, the option of choice. 10:08:59 The more choices. I have the more free I am and whether you know, and we talk about affordability as a factor right If I can't afford the choice. 10:09:07 Then the choices. aren't mine they're not a factor right I don't feel free because those choices are not accessible to me. 10:09:13 And so, when we talk about freedom is accessibility and availability of choice, this abortion thing is just one more drop in the bucket of crazy. 10:09:28 Coming from this religiosity, this huge shift towards manipulating people on mass against their own self interests. 10:09:35 It's and and for control I mean i'm sure there's some. 10:09:39 There's a lot of reasons why people are doing this but you can see the effects, especially the difference between the poor and the wealthy and the poor on high. 10:09:48 When you look at our statistics tend to not be majority. 10:09:54 White in our country. The majority of people who are going to suffer the most under this religious courts. 10:10:06 Crazy decisions Is everyone who you know can't afford to get out of their State. can't afford to get that service like I started jumping, but this brings the that we've talked about so it rings down. 10:10:24 The equity for everyone right so don't think that there's no purpose behind. 10:10:28 Don't think It's as simple as religion ladies and gentlemen, Some people are doing this because they want to bring down the earnings of you. 10:10:36 They want to have very depressed parts of the countries. so the economic, powerful cities always have low wage workers, low skill workers pumping into them to keep the cities frankly weight weighted down, because if we had opportunity everywhere right the cities would have 10:10:56 to compete, and the cities would have to have even better wages. 10:11:01 They may have to have better living. conditions like everything would have to rise. 10:11:06 Because if the towns have opportunity, why the hell are you gonna go to a city? 10:11:09 A city is going to have to have a high a high standard of living right to attract people to it. 10:11:16 You don't just go to the city because there's no jobs in your town, and you got pregnant, and there's nothing you can do now, and you got to support your family right. 10:11:25 That system of feeding the cities through depressed economies that surround us it's so disgusting, and all I can help Mike is that it's not nefarious right? 10:11:34 There's not a bunch of fat senators in a room going. 10:11:39 Haha! you feed our rich states, and will keep your States different like. 10:11:43 Is it that nefarious? I hope not. But actually it just seems too methodical. 10:11:47 Right. What what other reason would we keep half of the country in poverty? 10:11:52 I wouldn't put it past the authoritarian states the ones who used to use slavery as a economic model. I know. By the way, I guess it. 10:12:02 It swims way too close to it, Right? yeah, really does. 10:12:05 We we haven't We actually don't have that much distance from slavery. 10:12:10 We've made that case. Okay, 31 min let's get the calls to action. Sorry, hey? 10:12:16 This is our first episode back in a while we're a little rusty, so we hope you're hanging in there with us. 10:12:22 I would say we're excited to see you we are excited to see you there's no rest here. 10:12:29 Calls to action, you know I look at these and I don't see I think, for individual citizens it comes down to probably voting. 10:12:39 But one of the things we need to do as a group on high is that we need to actually implement term limits. 10:12:45 Maybe something like 18 years that's what i've seen suggested enable Presidents an opportunity to point on average at least one in each of their terms. 10:12:53 When I say point i'm talking about the Supreme Court. so in order to adjust the Supreme Court and honestly way back to the point you made earlier, it's not just the Supreme Court. 10:13:02 It's the entire Federal judiciary the entire the appellate courts and everything. everything that's a part of the Federal judiciary above the States needs to enact reforms. 10:13:15 So we need term limits here's Some statistics the longest serving Supreme Court justice. 10:13:21 I didn't even look at the appellates and and on lower courts, but the longest serving Supreme Court justice is 36 years 10:13:29 36 years is a pretty long time as a justice. When you started out way before those 36 years to get to that point, you know you're really old you by the end of this 36 years sitting there not to be 10:13:43 an agist, but well let's try to put in perspective pretend you had to live with your parents and follow their rule for 30, 66 years, 18 sounds a little bit closer. 10:13:54 16 sounds better that is so wonderful that's gonna That's great. i'll save that one for marketing Yeah, 18 years is a lot better to live under parental rule than 36 justice thomas is about 30 years 10:14:10 in is about 27. just to give you some context there. 10:14:16 Robertson alito would be termed out as they're over the 6. 10:14:22 Excuse me the 18 year, mark soda meyer and Kagan are at about 12 and 11 years resp., so they'd be there for a little while longer, and then the rest are 5 or fewer years serving so you 10:14:31 know it wouldn't it wouldn't up end the port crazily. 10:14:36 But it's something we would need to do soon. if we didn't want to affect it too too heavily. 10:14:43 We also need to expand the court, so that we have more voices for the record. 10:14:50 They always keep an odd number of justices on the court for the sake of coming to a conclusion that's the thing. the court system is always supposed to do come to a conclusion fair, or otherwise so we should just expand it so 10:15:01 that there could be more Americans on the court we can have more perspectives on the court. 10:15:07 There's like a lot of different humans in this country now compared to back in the day. 10:15:12 I mean our population has grown and and we've changed a lot, so it'd be nice to see a little more more voices on the core. 10:15:21 We should also have the court set the bar, or we should have the bar set for impeachment based on a clear code of conduct. 10:15:29 So today Congress does have the ability to impeach justices from the court from the Federal Bench. 10:15:37 They've never done it to a supreme court justice they've only done it to the lower seated justices on on the apple at court, and whatnot. 10:15:50 So that's one of the things we need to put in place is a very clear set of code conducts, for when they're supposed to recuse themselves, and this, that and the other thing so that when they are doing shady things they're 10:15:58 not recusing themselves. they're making backroom deals Their wife is a part of you know, Neo-nazi Conspiracy group. We should have clear codes of conduct. about these things about our relationships. 10:16:12 And and how we conduct our our judiciary and when people violate those. because we know humans have a tendency to violate things. 10:16:20 That's why we have the law you can you know make a clear decision on that. 10:16:24 And you can impeach that justice and have them removed and replaced. 10:16:29 We can do it to. We have. we have that for the Presidency. 10:16:32 Why not for court? Why are we using that for court justices? 10:16:35 So that's one of the solutions and then the last one We have voted here is to amend the Constitution to make the loss clear as to not allow the abridgement of any human citizens liberty part of the reason 10:16:47 why Clarence, Thomas and others can decide on their whim that Americans don't pay enough attention in which case we need to take away their rights to wake them up so that they care about their system, which is one of the reasons 10:17:00 Clarence Thomas votes. The way he does on that court is because he thinks we take things for granted. 10:17:06 Kids spend too much time in their phones. these are things he's been quoted on. so he just wants to like shake the tree because we don't deserve all the liberty we enjoy because we don't respect it 10:17:17 and there's truth to that but he shouldn't be taking away people civil liberties to prove a point that's very childish, and he's getting to that age where he's probably starting to regress to childhood. 10:17:31 Because that's what happens to all of us you know all of us start to regress backwards as we get older. 10:17:38 That is a fact. so thank you I throw that out there not to be a jerk. but just to put facts in the air, I just I don't think there's any easy way to say it that. 10:17:52 But I I ask you, my fellow citizens, to say like, how often do you get away with not doing your job? 10:17:57 How often do you get away with slapping your bosses in the face, or saying, Oh, yeah, you know what that thing that's been precedence that we do all the time. 10:18:06 I'm just not doing it, because I feel a certain way or enough of my coworkers agree with me. 10:18:12 I mean I I am bridging I i'm kind of getting towards you, Nish here. 10:18:16 But I want to be very clear that we all have to do our jobs right. 10:18:19 None of us get a paycheck if we don't do our jobs. 10:18:23 We're all susceptible to rules we all have bosses. 10:18:26 We all are accountable, and all i'm saying is that the court is accountable to us. 10:18:30 The Government is Accountable to us. and I hope. one hope is that Americans actually start taking ownership of their system, because all you have to do like Mike said. 10:18:41 Is vote it's the strongest way to say I disagree, or I agree with the work you're doing so. 10:18:47 If you're going to start somewhere, let leverage that power we saw how powerful it was in the last Presidential election. 10:18:53 More people stood up and voted than ever and if they Hadn't. We would have an orange democracy right now or Republic. 10:19:02 It probably would be a democracy at this point, but it really becomes, it really becomes something that I think all of us need to take ownership of. 10:19:09 I I I don't just Don't know all I that's what confused me. 10:19:13 Mike. How does everybody have to do their job every day? 10:19:16 Have to be accountable to a leader but then they look at these people in government say, Oh, but it's they're just. 10:19:24 That's silly government no that's a really great point and that's actually a point that even Thomas and maybe some others on the court have made that they can't they're not beholden to the voters 10:19:33 that's his perspective because we can't elect him out well we can fix that problem, though, like you said we need to vote the people in who are gonna change the laws cause you know It's not they're they're not there by 10:19:47 religious edict, unlike what they think they're there because of the laws, the way the laws are written, and they can be changed 10:20:06 Yeah, I mean, I have to go back and look. I think term limits term limits might be amendment to the Constitution Constitution. 10:20:13 I think, says lifetime appointment. So, damn it all, the hell! 10:20:16 So That means we have a really hard lift but that's why we're here that's why we're here, and we can do it. 10:20:21 It's designed to change it's designed to be amended we've got a whole bunch of amendments, and we'll be talking more about those soon. 10:20:29 I think that's gonna do us it's gonna wrap 10:20:41 We have been your host. Thank you to Mr. Raymond Wong, Jr. and thank you, Mr. 10:20:46 Piscatelli It was truly impossible to keep this under 30 min. I think we're gonna make it to 40, though. 10:20:54 It's been something that's for sure for information on this Another episode's head over to citizen Dugan com and click on podcast while you're there hit up our contact us page and leave a comment we'd love to hear 10:21:05 from the community special. thanks to you, our listeners, we save the best for last. 10:21:09 You are the best, and you have been for years thank you for your support. 10:21:13 We know It's painful and we love you.