About Our Duty

Duty calls us together.

Topics in this post:

  • Accept our duty to uphold the U.S. Constitution.
  • Take actions that realize a greater good.
  • Stand against threats to our liberty like authoritarianism.
  • Upholding commitments to ourselves and others.

“Human happiness and moral duty are inseparably connected.” – George Washington

Accept our duty to uphold the U.S. Constitution

At Citizen Do Good, we accept our duty to uphold the constitution as the unifying fabric of our republic. We have a solemn obligation to faithfully discharge the duties that come with keeping our republic. We perform this duty so that we can fulfill and defend our rights to be free people. We can only be successful as a nation if we do this together. Duty calls us together, one for all and all for one.

In practice, it is easier to describe our duty as a calling to fulfill the agreements among us. Life is a difficult business, made even more so in the absence of the benefits of a community. After all, more hands make for less work. Duty helps to keep us in a natural and cooperative relationship with each other. Our constitution requires this of us, we must meet its demand if we want to have any hope of fulfilling its promises. Not only to fulfill it for us, but for our posterity.

Take actions that realize a greater good

When duty calls us together, it is also about being dutiful in taking actions that help realize the greater good. That comes from us working together and collaborating in peace. This is our nature and how we accomplish our greatest feats. We can build a world that all of our children will want to live in and improve even further for their posterity.

Duty is often doing what is right in the face of easier options or more lucrative ones. It is having a brave heart and a clear moral mind.

It requires that each of us invest in ourselves and improve our skills at this and other tasks. Developing the capabilities we need to fulfill our life’s purpose and serve our communities well. In doing so, we become uniquely ready and able to build a more perfect union. In many ways, it may be the case that you already have.

“Ever since I was a child, I have had this instinctive urge for expansion and growth. To me, the function and duty of a quality human being is the sincere and honest development of one’s potential.” – Bruce Lee (not a founder of the U.S. Constitution yet wise nontheless)

Stand against threats to our liberty like authoritarianism

In times like these, the threat of authoritarianism is rampant.

We have been entrusted to write our own destiny. If we want to succeed as free people, then we must do it together. If we remain divided, then we will fail.

You know this already. Generations of meritocratic elites guarded the halls of power, but their order has run its course. It opens the possibilities of even more democracy and equality to fill in its wake. 

We also face other existential risks besides climate change. Take note of the cult of the rich and personality that has corrupted our system like cancer. These are not paths in pursuit of happiness.

Make no mistake, corruption is the cancer of all systems and threatens the health of our republic. If we lose our republic, then we lose our freedom.

Duty calls us together to be the antidote. This can only happen if we remain steadfast and accept our duty to protect it. Protect the Constitution. Protect the republic for which it stands. And protect our rightful place as we the people who fight for liberty.

“Let us have faith that right makes might; and in that faith let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it.” – Abraham Lincoln

Upholding our commitments to ourselves and others

Citizen Do Good promotes upholding the duty we have to our constitution. Also, the duty that each of us has to our fellow citizens and to remind each other of our common cause.

We can do this by living the common good through our actions and words every day. We can be an example of what ought to be done.

Living our duty means never taking our freedoms for granted. Nor allow them to be held hostage behind a paywall. Let us not forget that the rich live more freely than the average commoner.

Duty is also something we uphold for the common good. It is doing our part to protect the freedom of our neighbors because we may wear their shoes someday.

May each of us find, embrace, and live our duty today and every day more.

Art by SergeShop.com


Michael V. Piscitelli

Michael V. Piscitelli (MVP) is a Citizen Do Good contributor and editor. His other roles include host, producer, and editor for the Citizens Prerogative podcast. He is keenly interested in all things self-help, self-rule, and science-related. A budding Stoic philosopher, he will continue to share his journey with the community at large. In the words of Spock, live long and prosper.

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